Osprey diving for dinner...
Ever wonder what it might look like to be under a bird of prey, Osprey, before they dive for dinner? Wonder no more. You're welcome....
Ospreys with their fresh catch
Over the past few weeks I've been lucky to see/photograph some Ospreys catching their meals. Here are a few of my favorites. All the...
Shutterbug Magazine's Photo of the Day
How cool is this? My image of the Osprey catching his breakfast fish made Photo of the Day on their website. This is my 3rd time winning...
The death stare of the Osprey Hawk...
The Osprey hawk visited today and sat and posed for me. I love the detail in his/her feathers. Also I love the death stare. There are 3...
Are you looking at me?
This is our morning visitor in our back yard, Osprey Hawk. He likes to sit on top of the tree and search for breakfast. I love the detail...
What's for dinner?
I found this Osprey Hawk nest on top of a street lamp post. Just as I was taking a few images, dad returns home with dinner. Taken with...
Osprey hawk bring breakfast...
The local Osprey hawk came by this morning with breakfast (a fish). He/she likes to sit on the edge of the roof outside our bedroom. I...